We are a network of organizations and individuals committed to the protection of life, which is threatened in today's world by war, abortion, poverty, racism, the death penalty and euthanasia. We believe that these issues are linked under a 'consistent ethic of life'.
We challenge those working on all or some of these issues to maintain a cooperative spirit of peace, reconciliation, and respect in protecting the unprotected.
There is no hope for the aching world except through the narrow and
straight path of nonviolence. -Gandhi


Pregnancy Help Centers provide nonviolent alternatives to abortion.
Community Health Centers can provide alternatives for medical care
otherwise provided by Planned Parenthood.
But do they?
We need to see to it!
Watch videos from our conference:
Creating a Holistic Culture of Life; Bridging the Life/Peace Divide
Follow us on Facebook or subscribe to Peace & Life Connections for video updates.
we seek a revolution in thinking & feeling
We seek an affirmation of peace & nonviolence, recognition of the value of the life, happiness, and welfare of every person, and all the political and structural changes that will bring this about.
I stand morally opposed to killing: war, executions, killing of the old and demented, the killing of children, unborn and born... I believe that all of life is sacred and must be protected, especially in the vulnerable stages at the beginning of life and its end.
- Sister Helen Prejean
we are united by our commitment to life
Consistent Life (formerly called Seamless Garment Network) is a network uniting many organizations & individuals who support the consistent life ethic of reverence for life, as expressed in our mission statement.
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